
Bro Darrell Costello, October 3, 2015

Brother Darrell Costello read the report as follows:

We the Siloam Missionary Baptist Association gathered here with Mt. Lebanon Missionary Baptist Church for the 63rd session do hereby resolve:
1. That we thank God for His church that He has entrusted us with.
2. That the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God.
3. That we preach and teach no doctrine other than that which is set forth in the scriptures.
4. That the plan of salvation has never changed.
5. That we continue to raise up our children and grandchildren in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
6. That we continue to carry out the Great Commission given to the Lord’s church.
7. That we will always be united and never divided.
8. That we pray for our nation and elected officials that this great nation will turn back to God.
We want to thank Mt. Lebanon Missionary Baptist Church for hosting this 63rd session of the association and for the love and hospitality that they have shown forth to each and every one. May God bless all of our Missionary Baptist churches.

Prayerfully submitted,
Elder Darrell Costello, Chairman
Brother Brandon Mahaney
Brother Doug Haley

Motion and second to adopt report. Those speaking on the subject were Brother Darrell Costello and Brother Doug Haley. Question and second called to end subject. Approved.